
OTM has a wide assortment of psychological tests. These tests are based around the workplace and give advice on talents, styles, and abilities. You select which tests to use based on your needs.

Personality Tests

Behavior, Work Style, Personality, Values

In the expert report, we give your a view of almost every personality test through the lens of the Octogram/Quinn Model. This allows you to see several different levels of a candidate translated, as it were, to the same level. It also helps you to understand how the different tests relate to each other to create a better over-arching picture of the candidate.

The Octogram shows which work or leadership roles best fit a person. The Octogram is based on the Competing Values Framework created by Robert Quinn (The Quinn Model).
The OP5 is an in-depth personality test. The report displays the results of the candidate in the 5 factors of the well known 'Big 5' and displays scores for 30 different sub scales.
The Career Values test gives insights into what elements a candidate thinks are important in his or her work.
This test gives a clear explanation and visual aid in understanding how the candidate communicates with others (both verbally and non-verbally).
The test Current Organisational Culture measures a person's perception of the prevailing culture in an organisation or organisational unit.
The test Desired Organisational Culture measures a person's preference for working in a certain organisational culture. This preference is expressed in terms of four types of organisational culture, i.e. adhocracy/enterprising culture, marker-oriented culture, hierarchical culture and family culture.
What is the management style of the candidate? This test shows the results in the 4 quadrant model ( entrepeneurial, result-oriented, systems oriented and people oriented).
Involved in Education or Training? The Learning Styles test looks at how a candidate learns best. Some people learn best with one-on-one instruction, others in groups, others by demonstration. Help your students realize their full potential!
The Rotation test measures spatial insight, i.e. the ability to visualise movements and objects in space.
The test Figural Reasoning measures analytical and logical reasoning through the use of graphic figures.
The Numerical Reasoning test measures numerical analysis and logical reasoning skills in combination with the ability to deal with numbers.
The test Conceptual Relactions measures the candidate's ability to use reason verbally using abstract terms.
The test Folding Shapes measures spatial insight, the capacity to visualize the movement of objects in space as well as the capacity to predict how the objects will look after they have been altered.
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